These are the local retailers who have kindly decided to carry our stuff. w00t!
Don't see your name/store here? Send us a note using the email form on the left.
The Sentry Box
1835 10th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
T3C 0K2
Pendragon Games & Hobbies
1354 Main St.
Winnipeg Manitoba R2W 3T8
204 772-5415
Game Knight Games and cool stuff
726 Osborne St.
Winnipeg Manitoba
204 487-4263
Raven Toys, Comics & Games
214 St. Mary's Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2H 1J3
204 231-8354
Geek's Game Galaxy
1251 Sterling Drive
Poplar Bluff MO 63901
573 686 2223
Interested in selling our products?
Cool! Send us a note, and we'll tell you about our distribution and retailer discounts.
Castle Games are currently being distributed by Alliance Distribution. Contact your rep for details.